路是人走出来的,为捕捉自己的感受而寻路.“生活的美感”才是我数十年来上下求索的物件——“蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。”——昊冠中 王国维自沉荷花池后,出洋成了时尚,有为巧克力或高跟鞋,有为救国,我却想起老北京胡同居民,每见东交民巷出来的洋人或二毛子,视若无睹的古国民风。
In this elegy for China's vanishing villages, Jian Zhaoling follows the tweets of artist Wu Guanzhong to discover the classic beauty of ancient homesteads. In the decade from 2,000 to 2010, over 900,000 natural villages were razed. She comments, "These past few years, I've browsed weibo almost 10,000 times. Each time, I browsed at least 10 villages had vanished. I decided it would be better to visit the villages than to simply sigh about the situation. So I set out on the roads of the yellow plains, following the footsteps of an artist, to explore these vanishing ancient villages."
World Architecture Review