论文在分析基于内容检索的图像数据库系统中查询类型的基础上 ,为支持基于图像语义概念的查询 ,扩充了面向对象的SQL语言 ,以有效地表达查询中的概念 ;为进行查询变换 ,提出了概念层次模型以有效地表达概念在不同抽象层的不同表现形式 ;并利用项重写技术 ,将查询中涉及的概念项和语义空间关系转化为基本检索类型的组合 .
After analyzing query types in an image database system based on content retrieval, the object oriented SQL language is expanded to express concept queries. A concept hierarchy model is proposed to express different status in different layers for the same concept. By means of the term rewrite technology, concept queries are translated to the combination of some basic query types.
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