针对用低能的实验室γ源激发高能物理实验中采用的高密度 ,低光产额的闪烁晶体来测量其光产额时闪烁体的γ能谱不易拟合的问题 ,论文在原有的卷积拟合算法的基础上发展了一种解析方法 ,该方法通过用一解析函数来近似γ能谱中的康普顿本底形状 ,把原来耗时的数值卷积过程简化为一个递推级数的计算 .
This paper present a fast convolution method to be used in fitting the γ spectrum of scintillation crystal PbWO 4 and gives the light yeildof the crystal. It replaces the time costing convolution calculation with a seriesrecursion, which greatly improves the speed of fitting with little loss of preciseness.
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