
双侧先天性外耳道闭锁婴幼儿佩戴软带BAHA的疗效分析 被引量:6

Efficacy of BAHA softband in young children with bilateral congenital aural atresia
摘要 目的 回顾性分析佩戴软带骨锚式助听器(BAHA)对双侧先天性外耳道闭锁、耳廓畸形的婴幼儿听觉及言语发育的影响.方法 2010年8月至2013年1月在北京协和医院耳鼻咽喉科就诊的双侧先天性外耳道闭锁、耳廓畸形婴幼儿12例(年龄3个月至7岁),佩戴软带BAHA.根据患儿开始佩戴的年龄分为<4岁组(7例,平均年龄1岁2个月)和≥4岁组(5例,平均年龄6岁5个月).<4岁组患儿通过听性脑干反应(ABR)测试其裸耳骨、气导听阈;通过婴幼儿有意义听觉整合量表(IT-MAIS)评估其早期听能发育.≥4岁组通过声场下的纯音测听测试其裸耳及佩戴软带BAHA后的平均听阈;在声场70 dB SPL给声强度下通过中文普通话版儿童词汇相邻性词表(LNT)测试其佩戴前、佩戴当日、佩戴6、12、24个月言语识别率(SDS).结果 <4岁组患儿裸耳ABR气导听阈范围70~90 dB nHL,平均(73±12)dB nHL,骨导听阈范围15~25 dB nHL,平均(21±4)dB nHL.在佩戴软带BAHA 6个月时IT-MAIS得分与佩戴前比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05).≥4岁组患儿裸耳声场下纯音测听平均听阈(63±6)dB HL,佩戴软带BAHA后平均听阈(31±4)dB HL.佩戴软带BAHA后患儿听阈较裸耳平均下降(32±3)dB HL.用LNT测试佩戴当日、6、12个月的言语识别率与佩戴前比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).结论 双侧先天性外耳道闭锁婴幼儿佩戴软带BAHA能够有效提高听力.早期佩戴软带BAHA有助于婴幼儿的听能及言语发育,随着佩戴时间的延长,言语发育水平逐渐接近健听婴幼儿. Objective To retrospectively analyze the auditory and speech development of young children with bilateral congenital aural atresia after using bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA) softband. Methods From August 2010 to January 2013, a total of 12 patients aged at a range of 3 months to 6 years with bilateral aural atresia using BAHA softband were divided into under 4-year-old group ( n = 7, an average age of 14 months) and over 4-year-old group (n = 5, an average age of 77 months). The air and bone auditory thresholds of the under 4-year-old group were assessed by auditory brainstem response (ABR). The Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (IT-MAIS) was used to evaluate early auditory development. Soundfield pure tone audiometry (PTA) was applied in the over 4-year-old group. The Standard Chinese lexical neighborhood test (LNT) was conducted to evaluate the speech discrimination scores unaided and aided for 6,12 and 24 months. Results For the under 4-year-old group, the unaided air and bone conduction hearing thresholds were 70 - 90 (73 ± 12 ) and 15 - 25 ( 21 ± 4) dB nHL respectively. IT-MAIS score improved significantly after using softband for 6 months in comparisons with unaided situations. The average hearing threshold of patients in the over 4-year-old group was (63 ± 6 )dB HL unaided versus (31 ± 4) dB HL aided. The average decline in pure-tone threshold was ( 32 ± 3 ) dB HL with BAHA softbands and LNT demonstrated improvements in the speech discrimination score. The differences of paired comparison were significant ( all P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusions The hearing ability of children with bilateral congenital aural atresia improves significantly after using BAHA softband. And its application at a young age can guarantee a relatively normal hearing development and avoid oral communication impairment.
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期420-423,共4页 National Medical Journal of China
基金 十二五国家科技支撑计划(2012BAI12B01) 卫生部行业基金(201202005)
关键词 助听器 儿童 软带BAHA 小耳畸形 双侧先天性外耳道闭锁 Heating aids Child BAHA softband Microtia Bilateral congenital aural atresia
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