After analyzing the GEM market condition and the companies' development features in the past 4 years, we found that: 1) there are a group of outstanding enterprises emerged in the fields as cultural media, mobile internet, and GEM is attracting social capital to emerging companies. 2) The volatility is huge in the GEM market, and this is in line with the new market, new enterprises' laws governing the market operation. The regulators and investors should be fully aware that the ups and downs of the market will likely become the norm in a long time. 3) Shareholders' cash holdings may have some negative incentive effects, but there is limited size of holdings belong to the actual controllers and controlling shareholders. It may be considered to strengthen the education and guidance of the enterprises, establishing social responsibility. 4) The GEM is playing a role as training mechanism for emerging companies. Some companies achieved rapid growth via the unique training mechanism of the capital market such as: mergers and acquisitions, equity incentive
Securities Market Herald