

"Dividing Chapters for Seeking the Author's Original Meaning" ——The Research on Li Liwu's Partition of the Doctrine of the Mean Chapter
摘要 黎立武是"兼山学派"的重要人物,他对《中庸》的独特阐发体现了兼山学派中庸学之特色。基于"分章所以原作者之意"的诠释宗旨,提出《中庸》章句应分为五大部分十五章,与朱子之分有重大差异。黎氏认为,对《中庸》重新加以分章的目的是为了对"作者之意"作出新的诠释,因此他对命、性、道、教、中庸、诚等核心概念皆有着独到深刻的阐发,尤善于融合贯通性、命、中、诚、仁、忠恕诸概念,认为彼此具有"互融之妙"。黎氏《中庸》分章之学,是在朱子《中庸章句》已为世"奉持信守"的背景下提出的,它不仅展示了中庸诠释的新路向,而且体现了程门后学存在着学术分歧和不同走向,有助于我们更深入全面地思考理学的内在演变。 Li Liwu was an important member of "Jianshan school" whose distinct explanation on the Doctrine of the Mean showed the typical characteristic of "Jianshan school" . Based on the purpose that "seek for the author's original meaning by dividing chapters" , he put up that chapters of the Doctrine of the Mean should be divided into 5 parts and 15 chapters, which was different from Zhuxi's partition. Li Liwu thought that the aim of partition of the Doctrine of the Mean again was to make a new explanation to the author's original meaning, so he explained the core concept profoundly, such as life Nature, Dao Teach, the Doctrine of the Mean and honesty. Since especially being good at merging these concept, he regarded that bringing each other together could be wonderful. On the background that Zhuzi's the Doctrine of the Mean chapter had been very popular in the world, Li Liwu put up his partition of the Doctrine of the Mean chapter, which not only shew a new way to explain the Doctrine of the Mean, but also revealed the difference between the CHENG School's scholars of younger age. So it would be helpful for us to study the internal development of Neo-Confucious.
作者 许家星
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期31-39,共9页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科青年项目《朱子四书学之系列比较研究》(13CZX045) 教育部人文社科青年项目:《江右四书学研究》(10YJC720053) 江西省高校人文社科重点研究基地招标项目:《元代江右四书学研究》(JD1006) 江西省教育科学规划项目《江西古代“四书”教育研究》(12YD117)
关键词 黎立武 中庸分章 作者之意 Li Liwu partition of the Doctrine of the Mean chapter seeking the author's original meaning
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