近代中国的民族银行从诞生伊始 ,即面临重重风险 ,其生存与发展的历程也就是和各种内外风险抗争的历程。外部的局势影响和内部的经营决策与管理问题使近代银行业处于风雨飘摇之中 ,但在这样恶劣的环境之下 ,却有一批具有远见卓识的银行家涌现出来 ,他们在谋求银行的发展过程中采取了成功的风险防范和管理措施。这些风险管理措施在今天仍具有一定的现实意义。
Since the domesticallycapitalized banks came into the world in modern China, they began to meet with plenty of various risks. Involved in a turbulent period, these banks had to deal with all the risks throughout their development process. Under the complicated circumstances at home and abroad, some excellent bankers took up series of effective measures for prevention and management of the risks. Even in present situation, these ways may still provide some kinds of references for banking management.
Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics