
焊接速度对CO_2激光-GMAW-P复合焊接等离子行为及熔滴过渡影响研究 被引量:1

Influence of welding speed on arc behavior and droplet transfer in CO_2 laser-GMAW-P hybrid welding
摘要 在CO_2激光和GMAW-P复合焊接过程中,焊接速度是用来控制对工件热输入的重要参数,但是焊接速度的改变也会影响到等离子行为及熔滴过渡。文中研究了焊接速度对激光致等离子体形态、熔滴过渡和输出电信号的影响,通过高速摄影观察了焊接过程激光等离子体和熔滴过渡,采集了焊接过程电流电压信号,试验结果表明,较低的焊接速度会产生大量的激光致等离子体,这种等离子体的产生改变了熔滴内电流分布,阻碍了熔滴过渡,增加了弧长及熔滴尺寸。 In laser-GMAW-P hybrid welding,one of the most important welding parameters is welding speed.In this study,the effects of welding speed on the welding phenomena,such as behaviors of laser- induced plasma and droplet transfer in laser-GMAW-P hybrid welding were investigated.High-speed video observation was used to investigate the welding phenomena of plasma shape and droplet transfer.Consequently,welding speed has a dominant role in controlling laser-induced plasma.With the decrease of welding speed,a repelled metal transfer is observed,the arc length and droplet size itlcrease.
出处 《焊接》 北大核心 2014年第2期11-15,70,共5页 Welding & Joining
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51275299 51035004)
关键词 CO2激光焊GMAW—P复合焊接激光致等离子体焊接速度 CO_2 laser welding GMAW-P hybrid welding laser-induced plasma welding speed
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