Objective:To discuss the value of thermal tomography imaging system in diagnosing the breast diseases in physical examination. Methods:Using thermal tomography system infrared scanning of breast was performed in 19798 cases of healthy check-up person. Thermal tomography analysis of suspicious areas was performed in cases with presence of ab- normal high temperature areas and tomography analysis curve was obtained. Biopsy results from suspected areas were ob tained from all 19798 cases. Results:From 231 cases with biopsy results,there were 7 cases of breast cancer and 224 cases of benign lesions. Through thermal tomography analysis, 15 cases were suspected malignant and 216 cases were suspected be nigh. The sensibility, specificity and accuracy of thermal tomography analysis was 85.7 %,96.0% and 95.7% respectively. Using kappa x2 test, there was good agreement of thermal tomography analysis with biopsy resules (k〉0.4). Conclusion: The thermal tomography curve was well correlated to the biopsy results. The method proposed in our study is effective in distinguishing cancer from benign tumors, h is suitable for the department of physical examination.
Radiologic Practice
国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项项目(2012YQ16020 3)
Thermal tomography
Breast neoplasms