
基于无线平板探测器的床边拍片机数字化改造 被引量:6

Digital updating of portable X-ray units based on Wi-Fi flat panel system
摘要 目的:寻找一种简便易行的改造旧床边机的方案,对我院五台不同型号的移动床边CR机进行升级改造。方法:选择锐珂公司无线平板探测器(Carestream DRX-1system)作为成像载体(重3.9kg);并将其研制的DR操作控制系统(DROC)集成在一台笔记本电脑内,该笔记本电脑作为DR操作控制台。对分布在不同大楼内的5台移动床边机分别安装一套高压同步控制接口和无线路由器。床边拍片时技师只用携带一块DRX-1探测器和一台笔记本电脑至病区,先将安装在移动床边机的高压控制接口上的USB线与笔记本电脑相连。根据环境需要在笔记本电脑上预设延迟曝光时间。摄片完成后,DRX-1探测器将图片数据通过无线路由器传回笔记本电脑,5s后即可在笔记本电脑上看图,再将DRX-1探测器和笔记本电脑带到另一病区继续拍片,全部完成后返回放射科,将图像传输到图像存储与传输系统(PACS)及完成胶片打印。结果:①这种方式实现了一板多用,有效地利用了原有的移动床边机设备,节省维护成本;②图像质量提高,辐射剂量较CR降低;③曝光后即时阅片,为患者的救治节省了时间;如遇图像不满意可立即重拍;④操作流程大大简化,降低了劳动强度(仅需携带一块无线平板探测器和笔记本电脑,而不是一堆IP板);提高了医疗效率(一次即可完成全院病患的摄片工作,无需在放射科和病区间多次往返);⑤通过工作列表(Worklist)功能调出患者资料,现场确认后再投照,不会发生患者匹配错误。结论:利用无线平板系统对不同型号的移动床边CR机进行数字化升级改造切实可行,经过临床实践证明其具有显著优点和较广泛的应用。 Objective:To find a simple and available way to update 5 portable X-ray units produced by different com- panies in our hospital. Methods:We used Wi Fi flat panel detector (Carestream DRX-1 system,weight 3.9kg) as DR ima- ging carrier,and integrated DR operator console (Carestream) in the laptop as a remote control console. High-voltage sync control interface and a wireless router were respectively installed into 5 mobile X-ray machines. The medical technician (MT) only took a DRX-1 detector and a laptop with him. Before taking a X-ray film,MT connected the laptop to the high- voltage sync interface with USB cables,and set delayed time of exposure on the laptop. When the button in the Iaptop was pressed,the command was transmitted via the laptop-detector route and the laptop-interface-unit route. Soon the imaging data in the detector were uploaded to the laptop by the wireless router in 5s. Technician moved to another ward and went on. After having finished all works, MT transmitted all the data to PACS and printed them. Results: The updating had fol- lowing advantages:(1)It could effectively utilize equipments as possible,and save maintenance cost. (2)The image quality was improved and the dose of exposure decreased. (3)Doctors can read the images on time and save time for treatment. If the im- age was not satisfied, MT could remake it immediately. (4)It simplified the procedures, reduced labour intensity (a dietertor and a laptop instead of a stack of imaging plates) and raised the efficiency (there was only one round trip between depart- ment of radiology and wards). (5))The matching error between images and patients could be prevented. Conclusion: Digital up- dating of portable X-ray units based on Wi-Fi flat panel system is practical and proven to have many advantages by clinical application.
出处 《放射学实践》 2014年第2期192-195,共4页 Radiologic Practice
关键词 床边X线机 无线平板探测器 数字化升级 Portable X-ray units Wi fi flat panel detector Digital updating
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