
肱骨外旋运动中人工肱骨头与肩胛盂表面的接触分析 被引量:3

Contact Analysis between Artificial Humeral Head and Glenoid Fossa During Humeral External Rotation
摘要 建立了半肩关节置换术后肩关节的三维有限元模型,包括肱骨干、人工肱骨头、肩胛骨、肩胛骨软骨和8块肌肉,其中肌肉用50根弹簧单元模拟,人工肱骨头、肩胛骨、肩胛骨软骨用四、六面体混合单元划分,既减少了单元的数量又提高了有限元分析的精度。用该模型分析了肱骨外旋运动中人工肱骨头和肩胛盂接触面上的应力分布情况和关节力大小,其中最大关节力和最大接触应力均发生在外旋40°时,分别是374.72N和6.573MPa,应力集中的部位位于肩胛盂后上部。本研究结果指出了半肩关节置换术后假体磨损和松动的可能原因,为今后肩关节假体的优化设计提供了一定的理论依据。 We developed a three dimensional finite element model of the shoulder glenohumeral joint after shoulder arthroplasty including humerus shaft, scapular, scapular cartilage and eight muscles, while each of the muscles was simulated with 50 spring elements. To reduce the element number and improve the analytical precision, we used mixed tetrahedral and hexahedral elements in the model. We then used the model to calculate the biomechanics of the shoulder glenohumeral joint after hemiarthroplasty during humeral external rotation. Results showed that the maximum joint reaction force was 374.72 N and the maximum contact stress was 6.573 MPa together with the contact areas at 40°external rotation. These might be one of the reasons for prosthetic disarticulation, and would provide theoretical bases to prosthetic design.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期120-123,共4页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金资助(slg10042) 上海市教育发展基金会晨光计划项目资助(2007CGB02)
关键词 有限元 接触分析 肩关节 人工肱骨头 外旋 finite element contact analysis shoulder joint artificial humeral head external rotation
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