山东铝业公司氧化铝厂,1997年以来针对本厂焦炭消耗高的现状,克服市场上货源紧张和厂内生产流程上的一些实际困难,充分发挥科技人员的才能,调动一切积极因素,从管理上和使用结构上进行了合理的调整,使焦炭消耗降低到92kg/t AO。
It is reported in this paper that against the present situation of higher coke consumption since 1997, this company overcame the problem of short supply of goods in the market and some actual difficulties in the technological process of production. In order to develop the technological personher's ability, mobilize all positive factors, it has well adjusted in management and usage frame. The result show that the coke consumption has decreased to 92kg/t Ao.
Energy Saving of Nonferrous Metallurgy