
欧阳修易学与《秋声赋》的天人建构 被引量:1

The Construction of Nature and Human of The Autume Sound Ode from the theory of Yi-ology of Ouyang Xiu
摘要 《秋声赋》行文跳跃起伏,思路貌似无迹可寻,实则建立在欧阳修易学理论的基础上。欧阳修易学的天人观念,具体表现为阴阳消长的天道观、阴阳斗争的人事观和复杂的天人交互理论,后者又包括了天道与社会、社会与个体、天命与性理以及在此基础上的天、地、人三者交互理论。《秋声赋》充分发挥了其天人学说,从天道、地道、人道三个方面展开,深入探讨了气运、时运与命运,展现了动静、盛衰和生死,贯通了众生、社会和小我,深究了忧乐、得失和吉凶,是欧阳修易学思想的高度提炼和文学化表达。它并非仅仅是欧阳修抒发个人身世之慨或政治上消极悲观的产物,而是根植于哲学修养上的文学英华。 It seems that the core idea of The Autumn Sound Ode is difficult to be hold for too strong jumping style and no trace of thoughts. In fact, the ode was well arranged, written on the basement of the Yi-ology of Ouyang-xiu. The ideas be-tween nature and human on the Yi-ology of Ouyang-xiu, concretely said, embodied the ideas of the way of heaven with wane and wax of yin and yang, the ideas of the social struggle between yin and yang, and the complex theory of interaction between human activity and the nature.The last one also includes the way of heaven and the human society, the society and the individu-al,the inborn and the fate, and the theory of interaction among the way of heaven,the way of earth and the way of human based on them. Given a full play of the theory of nature and human, The Autumn Sound Ode unfolded from 3 ways: the heaven, the earth and the human,probed the destiny,the time and individual fate deeply; showed activity and inertia, rise and fall, and life and death~ run-through all the living, the society, and the small self; inspected the joys and sorrows, the gained and losses, and the good o1: ill luck.The ode is a great extract and literalization express of the Yi-ology of Ouyang-xiu, and a literary quin- tessence rooted on his philosophic cultivation, rather than so-called"a gloomy product of personal lament of life "or "showed the disappointment of the politics of his time'.It can be seen as some kind article of "article with moral".
作者 于雯霞
出处 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期123-129,共7页 Qilu Journal
关键词 欧阳修 易学 《秋声赋》 天人建构 Ouyang Xiu the theory of Yi-ology The Autume Sound Ode the construction of nature and human
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