目的:优化复方沙棘和胃胶囊的提取工艺。方法:以紫丁香苷含量和正丁醇浸出物为指标,采用L9(34)正交试验,优选最佳提取工艺条件。结果:影响提取工艺的因素依次为:提取次数>提取时间>加水量>浸泡时间。最佳工艺条件为:加10倍量水,提取2次,提取总时间4 h(2,2),浸泡时间40 min。结论:该工艺简便、可行,适合于工业生产。
Objective: To optimize the extraction procedure of compound Shaji Hewei capsule. Methods: extract was used as index, the optimum condition of the extraction were study by orthogonal test L9(34). Results: The influencing effccts of factors were as follows: B 〉A〉 C 〉 D (A: extraction time, B: extraction times, C: liquid-solid ratio, D: soaking timc).The optimal extraction condition were as follows: extract 4 h for two times, 10 times water, soaking 40 rain. Conclusion: The best extraction process is reasonable, practicable and convenient, and can be applied rightly in industry production.
Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine