
不同生命意义寻求和体验程度个体的注意偏向研究 被引量:13

The Attentional Bias of Individuals with Different Levels of Search for and Presence of Meaning in Life
摘要 目的:考察高寻求高体验、高寻求低体验、低寻求高体验、低寻求低体验这四类个体的注意偏向。方法:采用生命意义问卷在1136名高中生中筛选被试,获得每种类型的被试各32人。采用积极、消极和中性图片为实验材料,以点探测任务来考察四组被试的注意特点。结果:当积极和消极图片配对出现时,被试类型和图片类型的交互作用显著(F(3,120)=10.91,P<0.001),高寻求高体验组对积极和消极图片的反应时没有差异,高寻求低体验组和低寻求低体验组对积极图片的反应时较长,低寻求高体验组对消极图片的反应时较长。当积极或消极图片与中性图片配对出现时,被试类型和图片类型的交互作用显著(F(3,120)=13.93,P<0.001),高寻求高体验组对积极和消极图片的注意偏向值没有差异,高寻求低体验组和低寻求低体验组对积极图片的注意偏向值显著低于消极图片,且显著小于0,低寻求高体验组对消极图片的注意偏向值显著低于积极图片,且显著小于0。结论:高寻求高体验者对积极和消极图片给予同等程度的关注,高寻求低体验者和低寻求低体验者对消极图片的敏感性高于积极图片是缘于其对积极图片的回避,低寻求高体验者对积极图片的敏感性高于消极图片是缘于其对消极图片的回避。 Objective: To examine the attentional bias of four groups of people(those high on both search and presence, those high on search but low on presence, those low on search but high on presence, and those low on both search and pres- ence). Methods: By using Meaning in Life Questionnaire, we selected 32 subjects for each group from 1136 high school stu- dents. Dot probe task was used to explore the attention characteristics of four different groups. In the task, we used three types of pictures including positive, negative, and neutral. Results: When positive and negative pictures were presented to- gether, interaction effect between groups and picture types was found[F(3,120)=13.93, P〈0.001]. Further analysis showed that, subjects with high on both search and presence had no significant difference of reaction time to positive pictures and negative pictures, those with high on search but low on presence and those with low on both search and presence had longer reaction time to positive pictures, and those low on search but high on presence had longer reaction time to negative pic- tures. When positive or negative pictures were presented together with neutral ones, interaction effect between groups and picture types was also found[F(3,120)=13.93, P〈0.001]. Further analysis showed that, subjects high on both search and pres- ence had no bias for positive and negative pictures, those high on search but low on presence and those low on both showed attentional bias away from positive pictures, and those low on search but high on presence showed attentional bias away from negative pictures. Conclusion: Subjects high on both search and presence pay equal attention to positive and negative pictures, those high on search but low on presence and those low on both are more sensitive to negative pictures, and those low on search but high on presence were more sensitive to positive pictures.
作者 张姝玥 许燕
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期28-31,95,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家社科基金项目"社会变迁中的青年生命意义与生命教育研究"(11XSH023) 广西大学"211"工程四期"区域文化传承创新与交流研究"学科群
关键词 生命意义寻求 生命意义体验 注意偏向 点探测任务 Search for meaning in life Presence of meaning in life Attentional bias Dot probe task
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