
自我损耗对情绪自传体记忆具体性的影响 被引量:4

Reduced Specificity of Emotional Autobiographical Memories Following Self-regulation Depletion
摘要 目的:探讨健康个体受到自我损耗后情绪自传体记忆具体性的变化。方法:将60名健康个体随机分配到损耗组和控制组中,首先采用Stroop颜色辨别范式令损耗组被试自我损耗,控制组实施匹配的无关任务,然后采用自传体记忆测验(AMT)测量两组被试情绪自传体记忆具体性的变化。结果:相对于控制组来说,损耗组在AMT中表现出自传体记忆具体性降低的特点;在排除了心境水平的影响后,积极词和消极词所提取的自传体记忆具体性之间有明显差异。结论:健康个体受到自我损耗后会使自传体记忆的具体性降低,且线索词诱发的情绪对自传体记忆的具体性也有一定的影响。 Objective: Combining with the Color Stroop task and autobiographical memory test(AMT) to explore the ef- fects of self-regulation resources depletion on emotion autobiographical memory specificity. Methods: 60 participants were recruited and divided into depleted group(n=30) and controlled group(n=30). The present study used a Color Stroop task, in- volving naming the ink colors of incongruous color words, to deplete self-regulation resources prior to retrieving a series of autobiographical memories to emotional cue words--the Autobiographical Memory Test(AMT), whereas controlled group read color words written in black ink prior to the AMT. Results: Compared with the control group, the depleted group showed decreased specificity of autobiographical memory. Further, after controlling the effect of mood state, significant dif- ferences specificity of autobiographical memory performances between positive-word and negative-word cuing task. Con- clusion: This suggests that ego depletion can reduce specificity of autobiographical memory, and that emotion triggering al- so influences the specificity of autobiographical memory.
作者 李博 赵笑梅
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期38-42,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 2011年河北省自然科学基金项目(C2011205110)资助
关键词 自我损耗 过度概括化记忆 自传体记忆具体性 自我管理 抑郁心境 Ego depletion Overgeneral memory Autobiographical memory specificity Self-regulation Depression mood
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