
依恋回避个体对依恋相关词汇的注意偏向研究 被引量:6

Attentional Bias in Avoidant Individuals to Attachment-related Lexical Information
摘要 目的:探索依恋回避个体的注意偏向。方法:采用"空间线索任务"范式考查了在依恋系统激活情况下,高、低依恋回避个体对三类不同词汇(依恋,情绪,中性)的注意偏向特点。结果:在有效线索条件下,低依恋回避个体对以依恋词汇为线索的靶刺激反应时显著小于以中性词汇为线索的靶刺激反应时,表现出对依恋相关信息的注意警觉;在无效线索条件下,高依恋回避个体对以依恋词汇为线索的靶刺激反应时小于以中性词汇为线索的靶刺激反应时,表现出对依恋相关信息的注意回避。结论:依恋回避个体的注意加工具有警觉—抑制的特点。 Objective: To explore the effects of adult attachment on attention. Methods: This study utilized a spatial cu- ing task, in which the SOA was set at 550ms and three different types of lexical information(attachment-related, emotion-re- lated, neutral) as experimental materials. All participants were selected by ECR(Experiences in Close Relationship) and as- signed into high or low attachment avoidant group based on their ECR scores. Results: The results revealed that partici- pants with low avoidant attachment showed significantly shorter response latencies when the lexical cue was "attachment- related" relative to "neutral" on valid trials and took marginally significant longer response time when the cue was "emo- tion-related" relative to "neutral" on invalid trials; By contrast, participants with high avoidant attachment took marginally significant shorter response time when the cue was "attachment-related" relative to "neutral" on invalid trials. Conclu- sion: These findings suggest attentional bias in low avoidant attachment individuals may reflect a vigilance against the at- tachment-related information, namely having a tendency to seek closeness; while attentional bias in high avoidant attach- ment individuals may reflect a selectively attentional avoidance from the attachment-related information, hence they may be more easily disengaged from the attachment-related and less affected by the attachment-related lexical cues.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期48-52,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 教育部人文社科研究一般项目(11YJC190012) 中央高校基本科研业务费2010年度专项资金项目(10SZZD05)的资助
关键词 低依恋回避 注意偏向 注意警觉 注意回避 High/low avoidant attachment Attentional bias Attentional vigilance Attentional avoidance
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