
着力构建大气污染防治新机制切实改善环境空气质量 被引量:15

To Build New Mechanism for Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution to Improve Air Environmental Quality
摘要 2013年11月16日能源基金会(美国)主办的"重塑蓝天:空气质量管理国际研讨会"在北京召开。环境保护部污染防治司司长赵英民、能源基金会主席Eric Heitz、中国工程院院士、清华大学环境学院教授郝吉明、原环境保护部核安全总工程师杨朝飞等200多位业界领导、专家、学者和媒体人士参加会议。国内外专家针对中国面临的空气质量问题,从宏观战略、区域防治和行业政策等方面展开深入讨论,提出应对方案。会上环境保护部污染防治司赵英民司长代表中国环境保护部致辞,他回顾中国政府大气污染防治工作进展,指出下一步中国大气污染防治工作将积极贯彻国务院近期出台的《大气污染防治行动计划》,以保障人民群众身体健康为出发点,大力推进生态文明建设,着力构建大气污染防治的新机制,切实改善环境空气质量。本文根据赵司长致辞录音整理以飨读者。 On November 16, 2013, international seminar on "Reshaping the Blue Sky, the Air Quality Management" has been held in Beijing sponsored by Energy Foundation. More than 200 leaders, experts, scholars and members from the media have attend the meeting, for example Zhao Yingmin, General Director of Pollution Prevention and Control Department of Ministry of Environmental Protection, Eric Heitz, Chairman of Energy Foundation, and Hao Jiming , Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor of Environment School of Tsinghua University, Yang Chaofei, former Chief Engineer of Nuclear Safety of Ministry of Environmental Protection, etc.. The seminar has been in intensive discussion in view of the air quality issues in contemporary China, including the macroscopic aspects such as strategy, regional and industry policy, and has put forward the solutions to improve air quality in Chain. In this seminar, Zhao Yingrnin, General Director of Pollution Prevention and Control Department of Ministry of Environmental Protection, has reviewed the Chinese government progress for the control of air pollution recently, and has pointed out that the next step of China~ air pollution prevention and control work is to actively implement Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution Issued by the State Council, in order to improve air quality in Chain, protect people "s health as a starting point, promote the building of ecological civilization, based on building a new mechanism of the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, and improve the air environmental quality. This paper is the speech transcripts of Zhao Yingmin, General Director of Pollution Prevention and Control Department of Ministry of Environmental Protection, according to his speech.
作者 赵英民
机构地区 环境保护部
出处 《环境与可持续发展》 2014年第1期5-6,共2页 Environment and Sustainable Development
关键词 大气污染 《大气污染防治行动计划》 改善环境空气质量 air pollution Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution improvement of the air environmental quality
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