
静息态功能磁共振成像在脑功能区定位中的初步应用 被引量:4

Preliminary appficafion of resting- state functional magnetic resonance imaging in the human brain function mapping
摘要 目的:探讨静息态功能磁共振成像在脑功能区定位中的应用价值。方法:对33例非脑肿瘤病例在Siemens Trio 3.0T磁共振仪上进行静息态脑功能成像(resting-state fMRI,R-fMRI)),并对R-fMRI数据采用新的独立成分分析(Subject Order-Independent group ICA,SOI-GICA)处理。结果:33例中,已最多能够提取19个RSFC网络(丘脑核团,突显加工网络,高级运动区,初级运动区,听觉,背侧注意网路,腹外侧运动皮层,初级视觉,高级视觉,小脑,高级视觉,双侧额颞网络(语言相关),默认网络后部,默认网络,默认网络后部,额顶网络,右侧额顶网络,工作记忆,左侧额顶网络)。结论:R-fMRI能较稳定地提取出多个大脑功能网络,包括初级感知觉网络(运动、听觉、视觉网络)和高级认知功能网络(语言、注意、执行控制、工作记忆、默认网络),可为神经外科手术计划的制定提供更加丰富的信息。 [ Objective ] To introduce the application of resting- state functional magnetic resonance imaging( rsfMRI) in the hu- man brain function mapping . [Method]33 patients underwent rsfMRI on Siemens Trio 3.0T MR, all MR images underwent in- dependent component analysis (ICA) . [ Result ] We can simultaneously extract and identify 19 human brain fuctional systems a- mong 33 patients under rsfMRI and Independent Component Analysis . [ Conclusion] RsfMRI can simultaneously detect many different functional systems with only once scan , including elementary functional network and advanced functional network , leading to more complete and accurate presurgical evaluation.
机构地区 浙江省人民医院
出处 《浙江医学教育》 2014年第1期48-50,共3页 Zhejiang Medical Education
基金 浙江省自然基金资助项目(编号:LY13H180016)
关键词 静息态 功能磁共振成像 独立成分分析 功能连接 resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging independent component analysis functional connecfivitie
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