2Hurley S ,Tipton C D, Cook S P. Lubricant technology for dual clutch transmissions [ C ]//2006-01-3245. SAE International. 2006 Powertrain, Fluid Systems Conference, Exhibition. Canada Toronto : Springer, 2006.
3CEC L-48-A-00 Oxidation stability of lubricating oils used in automotive transmissions by artifical ageing (laboratory test )[S].
4ASTM D5182- 97 (2008)standard test methods for evaluating the scuffing load capacity of oils( FZG visual method)[ S].
5ASTM D892-03 standard test methods for foaming characteris- tics of lubricating oils[ S].
6ASTM D471-06 standard test methods for rubber property-effect of liquids [ S ].
7CEC L-45-A-99 viscosity shear stability of transmission lubri- cants( taper roller bearing rig) [ S ].
8ASTM D130-04 standard test methods for corrosiveness to cop- per from petroleum products by copper strip test[ S].