目的建立蔬菜中三大类农药的固相萃取-双柱双检测器-同一升温程序下气相色谱同时测定法。方法样品经乙腈溶剂匀浆提取,Carb-NH2柱净化,样品间隔60 s进样2次,先经CP-Sil 5CB柱分离后进入NPD检测器进行有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类农药测定,然后经CP-Sil 24CB柱分离后进入ECD检测器进行有机氯和拟除虫菊酯测定,阳性样品双柱检测器端互换双柱验证。结果三大类农药在0.01μg/ml^2.0μg/ml范围内质量浓度与峰面积有良好的线性关系,方法检测限在0.0001 mg/kg^0.010 mg/kg,加标回收率在76%~124%之间,相对标准偏差(RSD)在0.95%~4.7%。结论该方法简便、快速,结果准确,能满足蔬菜中多种类农药残留同时分析的要求。
Objective To establish a method for simultaneous detection of three categories of pesticide residues in vegetables by SPE - dual column - dual detector - gas chromatography under the same temperature program. Methods The samples were extracted by aeetonitrile, purified with Carl) - NH2 SPE column and injected twice with interval of 60 s for determination of or- ganophosphorus and carbamate pesticides by CP - Sil 5CB - NPD, organoehlorine and pyrethroid by CP - Sil 24CB - ECD re- spectively. The positive samples were determined again by interchangeable column. Results The three large categories of pes- ticides showed good lincarity in the range of 0.01μg/ml -2.0 μg/ml, the detection limit was 0.0001 mg/kg --0. 010 mg/kg, the recovery rate ranged from 76% to 124% , and the relative standard deviation varied between 0.95% and 4.7%. Conclu- sion This method is simple, rapid and accurate, it can meet the analysis requirements of many kinds of pesticide residues in vegetables.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Solid phase extraction
Double columns and double detectors
Gas chromatography
Multiple pesticides residues