通过二次正交旋转回归设计,探讨了不同种生物茵肥对草莓果实品质的综合影响.以这A、B、C、D4种菌肥为决策变量,以草莓果实可溶性固形物含量和可滴定糖含量为目标函数,建立了草莓果实可溶性固形物含量和可滴定糖含量与参数因子间的数学模型,得出了各因素与草莓果实可溶性固形物含量和可滴定糖含量的主次关系和双因素搭配的效应.最后,通过计算机模拟寻优获得了在本实验地条件下草莓可溶性固形物含量高于8.97和可滴定糖含量高于6.45的最佳施肥方案:A (1.9654-2.0347 g/L)、B(1.9143~2.0858 g/L)、C(0.7147~0.7853 g/L)、D(1.4240 ~1.5760 kg/667 m2).
Through field experiment with the design of quadric circum- regression, the effects of Biofertilizer amount on quality in Strawberry are discussed. With four kinds of Biofertilize as decision variables, and the content of Strawberry - quality as target function, the mathematincs model between the Strawberry- quality and experimental facters is set up. The mathematics model gave out the main and secondary factors affecting the Strawberry - quality, and the Strawberry - quality response of double factors. Finally, the optimization scheme of Biofertilizer use for the best quality of Strawberry is obtained by using computer simulation in this experiment conditions. The maximum soluble solids content of Strawberry is 8. 97. The maximum Titratable sugar content is 6.45 . The fertilization scheme as follows: A( 1,9654 - 2. 0347 g/L), B ( 1. 9143 -2.0858 g/L), C (0.7147 -0. 7853 g/L), D ( 1. 4240 - 1. 5760 kg/667m2 ).
Natural Science Journal of Harbin Normal University