
基于流感病毒PA_N蛋白的高通量药物筛选 被引量:4

High Throughput Drug Screening on Protein PA_N of Influenza Virus
摘要 流感病毒的PA N蛋白高度保守,并且具有核酸内切酶活性,是抗流感药物研发的潜在靶点。通过高通量药物筛选体系,从372种化合物中筛选出3种对流感病毒H5N1的PA N蛋白抑制作用较好的化合物。将这3种化合物分别与PA N蛋白进行分子对接模拟,结果显示它们均可以与PA N蛋白活性位点的二价金属离子和氨基酸残基相互作用,从而为抗流感病毒药物的发现提供了先导化合物。 PA N protein, which is an endonuclease and highly conserved in influenza virus, is a potential target for the discovery and development of anti-influenza drugs. Three inhibitors of PA N protein were obtained from a compounds library. The molecular docking analysis showed that these compounds can interact with the divalent metal ions and those amino acid residues in the active sites, implying that these components might be the lead compounds for the novel anti-influenza drugs.
出处 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期181-186,共6页 Biotechnology Bulletin
基金 天津市科技支撑计划国家生物医药国际创新园专项(12ZCZDSY13500)
关键词 流感病毒 PAN蛋白 高通量药物筛选 分子对接 化合物 Influenza virus Protein PA N High throughput screening Molecular docking Compounds
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