

Clinical analysis of MEA and HEA regimen in treatment of adult refractory acute monocytic leu- kemia
摘要 目的比较MEA(米托蒽醌、依托泊苷、阿糖胞苷)、HEA(高三尖杉酯碱、依托泊苷、阿糖胞苷)方案治疗成人难治性急性单核细胞白血病的疗效及安全性。方法选择郑州大学第一附属医院血液科确诊为难治性急性单核细胞白血病患者46例,其中26例应用MEA,20例应用HEA,观察两组的临床疗效及不良反应。结果MEA方案组:26例患者中完全缓解(CR)17例(65.4%),部分缓解(PR)5例(19.2%),未缓解(NR)4例(15.4%);HEA方案组:20例患者CR9例(45.0%),PR3例(15.0%),NR8例(40.0%)。结论MEA方案疗效较HEA方案好,可作为复发或难治性急性单核细胞白血病的优先考虑的化疗方案。 Cytarabine, Eto clear leukemia. ] Objective To compare the clinical efficiency and security of MEA (Mitoxantrone, poside) and HEA (Homoharringtonine, Cytarabine, Etoposide) protocols on acute monou- Methods Forty-six replapsed or refractory patients were enrolled in this study. Twenty-six patients were administered with MEA and 20 patients were administered with HEA, and then the clinical curative effect and side effects of the two groups were observed. Results Clinical response of MEA regimen: 17 out of 26 patients(65.4% ) achieved complete remission ( CR), 5 cases ( 19.2% ) achieved partial remission(PR), 4 cases( 15.4% ) no response. Clinical response of HEA regimen: 9 out of 20 patients(45% ) achieved CR, 5eases ( 19.2% ) achieved PR, 4 cases ( 15.4% ) no response. Conclusions MEA solutions is more effective than HEA solutions, MEA regimen can be used as a recurrent or refractory acute mononuelear leukemia chemotherapy regimens of priority.
出处 《中国实用医刊》 2014年第6期69-70,共2页 Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine
关键词 急性单核细胞白血病 米托蒽醌 高三尖杉酯碱 依托泊苷 Acute monouclear leukemia Mitoxantrone Homoharringtonine Etoposide
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