Since the discovery of AIDS cases in our county,the development of AIDS has now entered a phase of rapid growth.Influenced by factors such as social discrimination between the estimated number and the actual number of AIDS patients,there is still a great discrepancy,and there are still plenty of people living with HIV undetected.After the discovery of the source of infection,often because the impact of a number of objective factors,result in the loss of some source of infection management phenomenon has been found appears.Currently the national AIDS epidemic around ba- sically consistent with the law,the trend of the development is from the native population into the local population,from patient population to the general population.Currently there are a number of high professional standards AIDS treatment institutions carries out useful research and practice to improve the situation of AIDS through a number of measures. Based on the current development status and trends of HIV,AIDS on the primary hospital management problems and so- lutions for a useful analysis and discussion.
China Modern Medicine