Speciation is the process of the formation of new species through various evolutionary mechanisms. Repeated speciation processes result in the numerous species on Earth. However, our understanding on the modes and mechanisms of speciation process is still very limited to date. [t is generally accepted that lineage split is the most important speciation mode. However, lineage fusion, i.e. speciation through hybridization, also plays a very important role, especially in plants. Researches in the past several decades make it clear that reproductive isolation is just a by-product of genetic drift and differential adaptation rather than the prerequisite for speciation. Compared with postzygotic barriers, prezygotic barriers, especially ecogeographical isolation, is viewed as the earlier-acting reproductive barriers and contribute more to reproductive isolation. Studies based on QTLs have shown that a very few loci with major effect in the genome are critical in the speciation process, and these loci usually undergo natural selection. Adaptive radiation can be frequently seen on some uplifted mountains and oceanic islands, which could be attributable to the available ecological niches provided by these places. The latest theory considered genes or gene complexes as the units of speciation. Genomic regions would remain shared and undifferentiated except the loci underlying differential adaptation between different species. The theory provides new insights into the plant speciation process. In the past two decades, quite a few speciation genes have been cloned in plants. These genes, including those in the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway and S-locus, provide clue to the mechanisms of plant speciation. However, previous studies were mainly focused on the model plants and crops rather than non-model plants of ecological interest. In future, examples from ecologically interesting non-model plants should he studied for comprehensive understanding of the speciation mechanisms.
Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences