文章分析了我国水产品市场的基本状况 ,认为目前我国水产品市场品种丰富 ,价格稳定。究其原因 ,主要是水产品流通体制的改革 ,水产品市场的开放 ,科技贡献率的提高 ,政府在渔业发展方向上的战略性调整和水产品对外贸易的快速发展。文章针对现阶段我国水产品市场存在的问题 。
In China, the present state of the aquatic product market is that the aquatic products are abundant and the prices remain stable. The papper attributes these to the reformation of aquatic product circulation system, the policy opening of the aquatic market to the outside world and the popularization of advanced technology. This paper also analyses the measures and operations that are conducive to protecting, increasing and rational utilizating of aquatic resources, and other problems in this field.
Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University