
中西医结合综合方案治疗24例脑出血后脑积水的临床观察 被引量:9

Integrated Chinese and western medicine in treating hydrocephalus after cerebral hemorrhage:a clinical observation
摘要 目的:通过随机对照方法研究中西医结合与单纯西医治疗脑出血后脑积水的疗效。比较2组治疗前后脑积水程度及神经功能缺损积分。方法:将24例随机分成治疗组和对照组,对照组给予西医基础治疗,治疗组在基础治疗上口服中风醒脑液,并给予辨证静脉中药制剂,比较治疗15 d后脑积水程度及神经功能缺损积分。结果:治疗15 d后,治疗组与对照组比较,脑积水程度减轻,神经功能缺损积分降低。结论:中西医结合综合方案能减轻脑出血患者脑积水程度,促进神经功能恢复。 Objective: To study the therapeutic effects of integrated Chinese and western medicine and western medicine only in treating hydrocephalus after cerebral hemorrhage. Methods:24 patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, the control group was given a Western-based treatment, the treatment group on the basis of the basic treatment of oral stroke refreshing liquid, and give the dialectical vein traditional Chinese medicine preparation, compare 15 days of treatment, the degree of hydrocephalus and neurological deficitspoints. Results: After 15 days of treatment, the treatment group compared with the control group, the degree of hydrocephalus and the neurological deficit integral were reduced. Conclusion: Integrative Medicine program can reduce cerebral hemorrhage in patients with hydrocephalus extent of neurological function.
作者 卢云 张晓云
出处 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期271-273,共3页 JOURNAL OF BASIC CHINESE MEDICINE
关键词 中西医结合 脑出血 脑积水 Comprehensive therapeutic plan of the Combination of Tradition Chinese and Western Medicine cerebralhemorrhage Hydrocephalus
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