
现浇预应力混凝土框架节点抗震性能研究进展 被引量:1

State of Research on Seismic Behavior of Cast-in-Place Prestressed Concrete Beam-column Connections
摘要 预应力可影响钢筋混凝土框架节点的抗震性能,但其对核心区抗剪强度的贡献仍存在争论。重点从平面框架节点和空间框架节点两方面对预应力混凝土(PC)节点的抗震性能试验研究进展进行了论述。采用38组PC节点试验数据对节点现行抗剪设计公式进行了评估,结果表明,现行设计公式均不同程度地偏于保守,且预测精度普遍较低。指出了目前研究的不足和以后的研究方向。 The prestress can influence seismic behavior of reinforced concrete beam-column connections, but its beneficial effect on shear strength of joint cores is still controversial. The research on seismic behavior of cast-in-place prestressed concrete beam-column connections subjected to both unidirectional and bidirectional loading was mainly discussed. 38 test PC beam-column connections were also collected to evaluate the existing design formulae for shear, and the results demonstrated that all these formulae were not only relatively conservative but had rather low prediction accuracy. Finally, the limitations of current studies and research trends were further mentioned.
出处 《上海应用技术学院学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第3期216-220,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Institute of Technology: Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(51308339) 上海市教育委员会科研创新基金资助项目(13YZ123) 上海应用技术学院引进人才基金资助项目(YJ2012-2)
关键词 预应力混凝土 梁柱节点 受剪承载力 预应力效应 prestressed concrete beam-column connections shear capacity effect of prestress
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