

Bone marrow transplantation for β-thalassemia major: report of 2 cases
摘要 目的探讨骨髓移植治疗重型地中海贫血的可行性。方法2例4和4.5岁男性患儿,经地贫基因检查确诊为重型 β地中海贫血,分别移植其胞兄的骨髓 850和 475ml。两例 HLA-DR位点均有一个不合,血型均相同;用白消安、环磷 酰胺、抗人胸腺免疫球蛋白(ATG)预处理,例2未用ATG;环孢A和粒系集落刺激因子预防移植物抗宿主病。结果2例 白细胞数大于1.0X109/L的时间分别为移植后第14天和第17天,红细胞数大于4.SX109/L的时间分别为移植后第18 天和第 27天,例 1因更昔洛韦影响白细胞曾一度下降, 3个月后恢复正常; 2例血小板和 Hb术后均恢复正常,最后一 次输血时间分别为移植后第103天和第18天。移植后例Ⅰ出现Ⅱ度急性GVHD和巨细胞病毒性间质性肺炎,获治愈。 两例移植后至今均无需输血,Hb持续100g/L以上,地贫基因均已转为供者型。结论骨髓造血于细胞移植可根治重型 β地中海贫血。更昔洛韦治疗移植后巨细胞病毒感染间质性肺炎用量要准确,疗程要足够。 Objective To investigate the feasibility of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in treating β-thalassemia major. Methods Diagnosis of β-thalassemia major were confirmed in 2 boys aged 4 and 4.5 years respectively by gene mutation of CD41-42/654 and 654/654. A total of 850 and 475 ml bone marrow donated respectively by their brothers was transplanted. In both cases mismatch of HLA-DR at 1 site was identified. while red blood cell type was matched. Pretransplantation conditioning was administered using BU, CY and ATG, but ATG was omital in case 2, and CsA and were used to prevent graft versus host disease (GVHD). Results WBC count reached l.0x109/L on day 14 and 17 after transplantation. and RBC count reached 4.5xl09/L on day 18 and 27 respectively in the 2 cases. WBC was transiently in case 1 as a result of Ganciclovir administrations The platelet exceeded 50x109/L on day 86 and 16, recovering the normal level 5.5 and 1 months after transplantation. Hb reached 100 g/L on day 128 and 20. The last blood transfusion was received on day 103 and 18 respectively, and the episodes of grade Ⅱ acute GVHD and cytomaglovirus (CMV) interstitial pneumonia after transplantation was managed by Ganciclovir in case 1. The 2 patients survived without blood infusion with Hb over 100 g/L The genotypes in 2 cases were converted to the donor's after treatment Conclusions It is possible to cure β-thalassemia major by bone marrow stem cell transplantation, For the treatment of CMV interstitial pneumonia subsequent to transplantation. Ganciclovir should be used with optimized dose and sufficient length of treatment course.
出处 《第一军医大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期146-148,共3页 Journal of First Military Medical University
关键词 骨髓移植 Β地中海贫血 造血干细胞 儿童 bone marrow transplantation thalassemia major stem cell
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