
褪黑激素对青霉素所致癎样发作的预防作用(英文) 被引量:2

Preventive effect of melatonin against benzylpenicillin-induced seizures in rats
摘要 以往报道表明 ,褪黑激素 (melatonin ,MEL)对癫活动有作用 ,但结果并不一致。有实验表明MEL有抗作用 ,也有证据支持MEL有促作用。本文用海马内微量注射的方法 ,观察了MEL对青霉素所致样发作 (penicillin inducedseizures ,PIS)的影响 ,并对其与受体的可能作用作了探讨。发现 ,预先给予MEL对PIS有抑制作用 ,且该效应具有剂量依赖性。褪黑激素的作用可被Ⅰ型受体拮抗剂luzindole部分阻断 ,而Ⅱ型受体拮抗剂prazosine对此无影响。结果表明 ,MEL对PIS有预防作用 。 Melatonin may play a role in epilepsy, but previous studies suggested anticonvulsant or proconvulsant effect. In this study, we investigated the effect of melatonin on benzylpenicillin induced seizures (PIS) as well as the interaction between melatonin and its specific receptors in rats. Seizure models were produced by microinjection of benzylpenicillin into rat hippocampus. EEG and behavior of the rat seizure models were monitored. Pretreated melatonin depressed PIS in a concentration dependent manner. The anticonvulsant effect of melatonin was partially blocked by the MEL 1 receptor antagonist, luzindole, whereas the MEL 2 receptor antagonist, prazosine, had no effect. The results indicate that melatonin has preventive effect against PIS, and it depresses PIS partially through specific MEL 1 receptor.
出处 《中国神经科学杂志》 CSCD 2001年第1期67-71,共5页
关键词 褪黑激素 痫样发作 LUZINDOLE prAzosine 受体 melatonin seizures luzindole prazosine receptor
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