

An Introduction of Riffaterre's Concept of Intertextuality——With T. S. Eliot's the Wasteland as an Example
摘要 互文性与里法泰尔符号学中核心语、描述系统密切相关,是研究文本生成、诗学文本解读、文本文学性的一个重要概念。互文性阅读是读者以文本的文学性为焦点,在解释项的约束下对于有一定联系的诸文本之读解活动。对里法泰尔的互文性概念做了综述性的介绍,并以艾略特《荒原》一诗的题辞为例,对这首诗做了简要的里法泰尔式互文性解读。 of the key concepts of Michael Riffaterre' s semiotics theory, intertexuality is vital in analyzing the produc- tion, literariness of the poetic text, and has a close relationship with his other concepts, such as hypogram, descrip- tive system, ungrammaticality. In Riffaterrian model of intertexual reading, the ideal readers would be under the guidance of the interpretant ,focusing on literariness of the poetic text and interpreting the text through the web of re2 lated texts. This study presents a summary of Riffaterre' s concept of intertextuality and conducts a brief Riffaterrian intertexual reading of the T. S. Eliot' s the Wasteland.
出处 《河北联合大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第2期106-109,共4页 Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition
关键词 里法泰尔 互文性 艾略特 荒原 Riffaterre intertextuality Eliot The Wastd Land
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