目的 探讨现代影像学检查对胆胰管恶性阻塞性疾病术前诊断的准确性及临床应用价值。方法 对 44例胆胰管恶性阻塞性疾病患者进行磁共振成像 (MR)、磁共振胆胰管造影 (MRCP)以及磁共振动态增强血管显影 (MRA)检查 ,并与同期进行B超 (B us)、内窥镜逆行性胰胆管造影(ERCP)以及电子计算机断层扫描 (CT)等检查结果对照。结果 44例患者中诊断为胰头部和壶腹周围癌者 2 8例 ,胰体尾部癌 5例 ,肝胆管癌 11例 ,其定位准确率为 10 0 % ,定性准确率为 96 % ,同时明确有周围组织及血管浸润和器官转移者 17例。CT诊断定位准确率为 82 % ,定性准确率为 76 %。B us定位准确率、定性准确率分别为 73%和 6 8% ,ERCP定位准确率、定性准确率分别为 96 %和 84%。结论 MR/MRCP/MRA对胆胰管恶性阻塞性疾病术前诊断的准确性优于B超、CT和ERCP ,对胰胆管肿瘤转移和周围组织浸润 ,尤其是对肿瘤血管浸润可明确显示 。
Objective To evaluate the value of imaging means on preoprative diagnosis for patients with malignant obstruction of the biliary and pancreatic ducts.[WT5”HZ]Method [WT5”BZ]44 cases underwent preoperative MR/MRCP/MRA examination. The accurate rate of diagnosis was compared with that derived from B us, CT and ERCP. Results 28 of 44 cases were diagnosed as with pancreatic and periampullary carcinoma, 5 cases as with pancreatic body and tail carcinoma,11 cases as with biliary duct carcinoma. The accurate rates of MR/MRCP/MRA for tumor locating and cause were 100% and 96% respectively. Blood vessel invasion, adjacent organ infiltration and matastasis were detected preoperatively in 17 cases. In contrast, the accurate rate for tumor locating and cause were 82% and 76% with CT, 73% and 68% with B us, 96% and 84% with ERCP. [WT5”HZ]Conclusions [WT5”BZ] MR/ MRCP /MRA combined has advantage over B us, CT and ERCP in preoperative diagnosis especially for detecting organ matastasis and blood vessel infiltration. It has an important value in the establishment of tumor staging and decision making of clinical therapy.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery