
从《纳粹与理发师》中的性描写看理性反思的必要性 被引量:1

Necessity of Rational Reflections:Viewed from the Sex Plots in The Nazi and the Barber
摘要 《纳粹与理发师》以荒诞夸张的手法讲述了一个杀人犯与受害者身份替换的故事。小说一个突出特征,是大量夸张的性描写;这种手法饱含社会批判和反思张力,却至今未得到认真细致的研究。受到德国近年文化学研究成果的启发,本文首先尝试探索性与纳粹反犹思想的密切关系,然后回归小说,解读文本中性描写背后的深层寓意。本文认为,作为偏见和混乱的导火索,性这一典型非理性元素,并非小说批判的主旨,而是一种辅助认识的手段;人类真正需要启蒙和反思的,不是本能与性所代表的非理性本身,而是如何防止以理性为幌子周而复始地制造混乱。 The Nazi and the Barber tells a story about the i- dentity-exchange between a murderer and a victim in an ex- tremely absurd and ironic way. One of the eye-catching fea- tures of the book lies in its descriptions of sexual experi- ences ,especially in an exaggerative way. This way of writing fully encompasses social critics and tensions, yet was nearly never taken into serious consideration by any previous re- search. Enlightened by German cultural science, this article first tries to explore the close relationship between sex and the anti-Semitism during the Nazi period. Then it will go on to decode the information behind the sarcastic scenes in the novel. The author comes to the conclusion that sex,the typi- cal irrational element and trigger for prejudice and chaos ,on- ly plays a supporting role in declaring the necessity of re- flections on the past. What human beings need to reconsider was not the irrationality itself represented by instinct and sex ,but how to avoid the chaos which continuously went un- der the name of rationalism.
作者 安尼
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期92-96,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 纳粹与理发师 反犹 身份替换 The Nazi and the Barber sex anti-Semitism identity-exchange
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