

Phylogenetic Relationships of Inocybe and Its Related Genera Based on nLSU Sequences
摘要 基于nLSU序列、贝叶斯法对丝盖伞属和相关属进行了系统发育树重建。分析表明:丝盖伞属和新近描述的Auritella及Tubariomyces构成一个较好支持的单系群,靴耳科成员与丝盖伞形成姊妹群关系;丝膜菌属和滑锈伞属则相对关系较远。通过分析对丝盖伞科的范畴进行了划分及讨论。 The phylogenetic relationships between Inocybe and its related genera were analyzed based on nLSU sequences and Bayesian method. Inocybe clusters with Auritella and Tubariomyces, and members of Crepidotaceae are sister to Inocybe. However, Cortinarius and Hebeloma considered as its close relatives nest far away from Inocybe. The divisions and concep- tions of Inocybaceae were discussed based on the phylogenetic tree.
机构地区 吉林农业大学
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期136-138,共3页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31093440 31270063)
关键词 丝盖伞科范畴 系统发育关系 nLSU Inocybaceae conception Phylogenetic relationships nLSU
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