
北极海空搜救合作:规范生成与能力短板 被引量:17

Arctic Air-Sea Search and Rescue Cooperation:Regulation Formulation and Shortage of Capability
摘要 海冰的融化带来了北冰洋航道的开通愿景,同时也加重了该地区海空运送压力。随着北冰洋海运与极地旅游活动的增加,北极地区发生海空紧急救援的几率不断提升。为了维护安全,完善安保,北极理事会于2011年5月通过了一项具有法律约束力的协议———《北极航空与海洋搜救合作协议》。北极八国搜救合作尽管具备制度基础,但在救援能力方面仍然面临着多重挑战:搜救区过于庞大、恶劣的环境、搜救装备及基础设施的欠缺。本文旨在分析北极搜救合作的现状,并针对如何缩小能力差距作出初步结论。 The melting of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean will open up new route,simultaneously increasing the pressure on regional transportation.With the increase of transportation and polar tourism activities,the probability of emergency rescue has gone up.The Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement,signed by ministers from Arctic Council member states in Nuuk,2011,is a milestone in terms of the'hard law'to promote cooperation of A8countries.Though the rescue cooperation between A8countries has an institutional framework,the capability of such action still faces many challenges,such as lack of infrastructure and equipments.This article aims to analyze the current situation of Arctic search and rescue cooperation,and give some policy recommendations on how to reduce the capability gap.
作者 肖洋
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期13-19,79,共7页 International Forum
基金 作者主持的2013年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"管理规制视角下中国参与北极航道安全合作实践研究"(项目批号13YJCGJW012)的阶段性成果
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