在黄土高原旱塬区, 研究了5个间作比例下秋播燕麦(Avena sativa)/箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa)系统的产量、叶面积指数、截光率和土壤硝态氮含量动态。结果表明, 燕麦间作箭筈豌豆的适宜刈割时间在箭筈豌豆的盛花期到收获期, 燕麦间作箭筈豌豆在2∶1或1∶1的比例下, 群体总产量在箭筈豌豆盛花期分别比燕麦单播产量提高30%和13%, 在收获期则分别提高30%和50%;总相对产量在箭筈豌豆盛花期大于收获期。燕麦间作箭筈豌豆土地利用率较燕麦单播提高了24%-69%, 各间作比例下群落叶面积指数、截光率以及土壤硝态氮含量无显著差异。
Autumn sowed oats were intercropped with common vetch at different ratios in the rain-fed Loess Plateau, so that the effects on yield, leaf area index (LAI), light interception and soil nitrate content could be evaluated. Intercropping of oats with common vetch was carried out at ratios of 1∶0, 4∶1, 2∶1, 1∶1, 1∶2, 1∶4 and 0∶1. Results indicate that the ideal cutting time is between flowering and harvesting, and that the best mixture rate is 2∶1 or 1∶1. At vetch flowering, The highest yield of 3 264 kg·ha^-1 occurring at a mixture rate of 2∶1, followed by 2 828 kg·ha^-1 at a mixture rate of 1∶1, producing 30% and 13% more yield than monocultured oat respectively. The highest yields at harvesting were 5 942 kg·ha^-1 under mixture rate of 1∶1 and 4 980 kg·ha^-1 under mixture rate of 2∶1, which respectively produced 50% and 30% more yield than monocultured vetch. The highest relative total yield at flowering was 1.39 (2∶1 mixture rate), followed by 1.24 (1∶1), which indicates that the land use efficiency under this intercropping program was improved by 24%-69% when compared with monocultured oats. There was no significant difference observed in canopy leaf area index, light interception and soil nitrate content between intercropping mixture rates, which suggests that there was no competition for light and that the nitrogen fixation ability of legumes was not demonstrated during the intercropping experiment. This result may be related to “nitrogen repression” caused by a large amount of fertilizer applied at sowing.
Pratacultural Science