Private enterprises show increasingly organizational structural complexity in the past 20 years of re- form, most of which are bound to go through the process in china. So, how to deal with the increasing structural com- plexity of private enterprises is a urgent and important task in china. However, some management practices show that increasing structural complexity are two sides. Some structural complexity can bring to innovation performance, while others may cause more costs. Therefore, finding the distinction between the different structural complexity of Chinese private enterprises to use or prevent is that they have to consider. Based on this, the study will analyze the causes of organizational structural complexity of private enterprises in china. Firstly, according to "strategy decides structure, structure follows strategy" ,we proposes two hypotheses:one is that competitive strategy( cost leadership strategy, dif- ferentiation strategy) has a positive impact on structural complexity (employee participation, departments, units, rules and regulations) ; the other is that environmental uncertainty has a negative moderating effect on the relation- ship between competitive strategy and structural complexity. Thus, two assumptions ( including twelve sub-hypothe- sis) formed this study model. Secondly, based on samples from 184 Chinese private companies, the paper tests the assumptions. Data collected from the survey concluded the following results. Cost leadership strategy has a positive impact on structural complexity (departments, units), differentiation strategy has a positive impact on structural com- plexity( employee participation, departments, rules and regulations ). In addition, environmental complexity has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between cost leadership strategy and structure units, environmental environmental dynamism has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between differentiation strategy and structural complexity( employee participation, rules and regulations). The Conclusion answers theoretically the cau- ses of different structural complexity of China's private enterprises in the current context of economic transforma- tion. Organizational structure complexity ( employee involvement, communication between departments, regulatory, structural units) are subject to different competitive strategies( cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy) im- pact in private enterprises, and their unique complexity and dynamic environment will make these relations wea- ker. This conclusion confirms Chandler's " structure follow strategy", it also echoes organizational contingency theory. Therefore, the Chinese private enterprises must take into account complex environment and choose the right competitive strategy to attain business growth and structural innovation in order to face structural complexity. Moreover, the conclusion has highly implications on Chinese private enterprises to apply "structure fol- low strategy" theory and deal with structural complexity on the current context of economic transition. Specifically, first ,the private enterprises using low-cost strategy should avoided to choose "sweatshops" form in order to achieve more reasonable organizational structural complexity, but they should make efforts to reduce the transmission cost of information to achieve low-cost competitive advantage. Second, the private enterprises implementing differentiation strategy should currently not only make efforts to improve the technological innovation capability, but also enhancing their marketing innovation capacity is an important direction to increase differentiation from competitors. In addi- tion, the government should try to balance "tilt Arena" environment which private enterprises had been in, and cre- ate a competitive environment which will help private enterprises take full advantage of structural complexity based on the "structured to follow the strategy" theory.
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
structural complexity
competitive strategy
environmental uncertaintv