It is of importw for a stock commpy to perfect tha obligation-responsiblulty system of trustees, Inaccordance with the judicial theoy of the company , a trustee must fulfil obligQations as follows 1 ) the obligation to beloyal; 2) the obligation to be uttenhve: 3) the oblighon not to compete with one's own commppany in the interest of anyother comtwes or hold or post conconnily in any other companies;; 4) the obligation not to take advontage of theoppodrity the company has got. These obligaitions have chay been laid down in our countIy's Chmany Law, but thereare others of which provisions have not yet ben made, and still others which, thaugh stipulQted, are inodeqUe. Theprotision in tw' ha' that a tndec beare the civil liabi1ity to his company, highghlights the civil liability of a tnabe'sindividuality, thus nore conforming under the condition of market-oriented econmy, to the demon by the princiPle of'conunboty of responSibility, power and profit', but it says nothing that the compensative responsibility of a trustee to athird person , which theght be deemed on oversigh in legislation.
Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)