市场经济既是法律经济 ,又是权利经济。它不仅要求民事主体的财产权利得到切实保护 ,而且也要求其人身权利得到切实的尊重和保护。但我国现行民事法律中的人身权制度还存在不少问题 ,已不能适应市场经济条件下民事主体日益强烈的保护人身权的需要。因此 ,应确立人身权法在民事立法中的独立地位 ,转变立法观念 ,改革法律形式 。
Market economy is both legal economy and economy of rights ,which demands practical protection of property right as well as personal rights of the civil subject .However ,because of its many problems,the system of personal right in the current civil laws has been unable to meet the increasingly strong needs of civil subject to realize its personal rights under the circumstances of market economy.Therefore we should establish the independent position of the law of personal right in the civil legislation,change our legislative concepts,improve the form of laws and substantiate the basic content of the system of protecting the personal right .
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)