随着高校毕业生就业制度由“统包统配”向“自主择业”的转变 ,高校在毕业生就业中的职能也将发生变化 ,其主导作用日益突出。为更好地发挥高校在毕业生就业中的主导作用 ,应着重做好以下四项工作 :加强就业指导 ;搜集、发布本校毕业生供求信息 ;自办或联办毕业生就业市场 ;加强调研预测 ,调整专业设置和教学内容 ,提高产品 (毕业生 )
With the chang of employment obtaining policy from unified distribution of college graduates to self choice of employment,the functions of employment obtaining management in the college will be changed accordingly,and its guiding functions are becoming increasingly protruding.In order to give better play to the guiding functionts in employment obtaining management, the following four points should be stressed.Strengthening employment direction;Collecting and issuring demand and supply information about the graduates in the college; establishing graduates employment market by means of our own efferts cooperation.Strengthening investigation and reserach forecast; adjusting the assignments of specified subjects and teaching contents; raising the competitive ability of the ‘products' (graduates).
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
河南省教委科学研究计划项目! (1 999840 2 0 6)