
舰船舱室中电缆串扰分析 被引量:4

Analysis of the cable crosstalk in ship cabin
摘要 鉴于舰船舱室中复杂的电缆布局带来的电磁兼容性问题,依据传输线理论、网络理论和屏蔽理论,建立了电力电缆与其他传输电缆之间的串扰模型。进而根据此模型在CST电缆工作室(CSTCS)中对舰船舱室环境下被干扰电缆分别为屏蔽同轴线、非屏蔽双绞线以及屏蔽双绞线时的情况进行了建模,并仿真分析了电力电缆在对称三相电激励下对它们的耦合干扰。另外,分析了被干扰电缆为单根和多根时,耦合串扰的大小。仿真结果表明,屏蔽电缆比非屏蔽电缆的串扰值低大约50 dB,多根电缆串扰时,耦合谐振频率点增加了很多。 The mechanism of cable crosstalk involving what and how does the factors affect the level of crosstalk is introduced.Based on this,a transmission line model for predicting crosstalk between power cable and the other wires nearby with common reference ground based on multiconductor transmission theory (MTL) is developed.Crosstalk among circuit configurations when the victim cables with load terminations are different types is analyzed and simulated.The driven sources of the power cable are three phase symmetric.Models where the types of the victim lines are shielded coaxial cable,shielded twisted pair and unshielded twisted pair are simulated.It is found that the shielding can provide an attenuation of about 50 dB than the unshielded cables.In addition,the condition of multi-cable coupling is simulated and some thoughts are brought out to inspire more detailed study.Finally,some measures are suggested to suppress the crosstalk between cables according to the two-type of coupling mechanism (inductive coupling and capacitive coupling).
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2014年第3期75-78,共4页 Application of Electronic Technique
关键词 串扰 电缆屏蔽 耦合 传输线理论 crosstalk cable shielding couplings transmission line theory
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