为监测神农架林区河流健康状况及人为活动对其水体理化特征和生物群落的影响,基于水质类别、大型底栖动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数及BMWP记分系统(Biological Monitoring Working Party Score System)对神农架林区河流生态系统健康进行评价.结果显示,水质、大型底栖动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数以及BMWP记分系统评价为健康的样点比例分别为36.67%、63.30%和50%.大型底栖动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和BMWP记分系统2种评价方法的结果存在极显著的相关性(P<0.01),具有较好的一致性.3种评价方法均显示亚健康或健康状态的样点比例达到了66.67%,表明神农架林区河流生态系统总体健康状况良好,但部分样点受到了一定程度的污染与干扰.
An investigation was carried out in May 2011 and April 2012 in order to assess the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on physicochemical characteristics and organisms of rivers in the Shennongjia Forest Region. Based on water quality, Shannon-Wiener index of macroinvertebrates and Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) Score System, ecosystem health of 30 river sites in the Shennongjia Forest Region were evaluated. Water quality of river sites in the Shennongjia Forest Region indicated that 36.67% of all sample sites were "healthy"; Shannon-Wiener index showed 63.30% of them "healthy"; while BMWP score indicated the percentage of "healthy" sites as 50%. There was a significant liner relationship between the evaluation of Shannon-Wiener index and BMWP score (P 〈 0.01), demonstrating that it was possible to use the two indices to monitor and assess the river ecosystem health in the Shennongjia Forest Region. According to the results of the three methods combined, 66.67% of all sample sites were the Shennongjia Forest Region is generally healthy. 'subhealthy" and "healthy", indicating the river ecosystem in
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology