In this paper, we present an overview of the origin and developments of crop model. We introduced the new development in crop model--QTL-based modelling and its fundamentals are discussed. We also summarized re- cent progresses of QTL-based modelling to bridge the "gene-to-phenotype" gap. We discussed the role of QTL- based modelling in assisting plant breeding and marker assisted selection:crop model can support QTLs mapping by removing the environmental noises;crop model not only can dissect complex traits into physiological relevant compo- nents for QTL analysis, but can also integrate effects of QTLs of the component traits over time and space, allowing for designing ideotypes of various genetic make-ups underlying physiological processes ; crop model can quantify cau- sality between relevant physiological processes and responses of these processes to environmental variables, resolving QTL x environment interaction. In the end, we discussed the future prospects of integrating modem genomics tech- nologies with crop modeling to achieve accurate genotype-phenotype prediction.