发电机转子绕组一点接地是一种常见现象 ,如不及时检测与处理 ,当出现两点或多点接地时就会危及励磁机与发电机的安全。根据发电机实际运行中所出现转子绕组一点接地的情况 ,进行了原因分析 ,提出了预防措施 ,介绍了检测方法 。
There is a common phenomenon that one node in the rotor coils inside a generator connects to ground.If not checked and processed,it's dangerous to security of a generator or a exciter,once two or more nodes connect to ground.This paper analyses the cause according to the fact that the phenomenon above occurs when a generator is really running in use.Some preventive measures are suggested and checking methods are introduced.All these take a good effect in practice.