
基于有限通信的配电系统频率协同获取方法 被引量:2

Collaborative acquisition method of distribution system frequency via limited communication
摘要 面对智能配电网中大量分布式小容量可控负荷参与电网调频的问题,所有可控负荷的配电系统频率信号获取是前提和基础。为此,提出了基于一致性滤波的配电系统频率协同获取方法。该方法仅依靠安装在配电变电站中的频率测量装置,借助相邻可控负荷/配电变电站之间有限的频率信息交互和通信,实现了所有可控负荷频率信号的准确、鲁棒和一致获取,同时具有滤除高频噪声,减少频率测量投资成本的性能。通过理论分析,验证了在通信传输无时滞和带时滞两种情形下配电系统频率协同获取方法的收敛性和鲁棒性。最后,通过Simulink仿真验证了所提出方法的有效性和可行性。 In order to achieve the application of a large number of distributed controllable loads with small capacity to system frequency regulation, the acquisition of distribution system frequency for all controllable loads is a prerequisite and basis. A collaborative acquisition method of distribution system frequency based on consensus filtering is proposed, where only frequency-measuring devices at distribution substations are utilized. Limited communication between neighboring controllable loads/distribution substations can facilitate consistent, robust and accurate acquisition for system frequency signal for all controllable loads. Also this method can eliminate noise and reduce device costs. Convergence and robustness of collaborative acquisition method are proved by the theoretical analysis under the two situations with and without communication time delays. Simulation results based on Simulink demonstrate both effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.
出处 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期69-76,共8页 Power System Protection and Control
基金 国家自然科学基金(71331001,71071025)~~
关键词 可控负荷 有限通信 一致性滤波 协同获取 配电系统频率 controllable loads limited communication consensus filtering collaborative acquisition distribution system frequency
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