

Study on the whole exons genome sequencing of Liaoning cashmere goats
摘要 本研究应用全外显子捕获测序分析技术构建绒山羊的cDNA文库,研发绒山羊外显子捕获试剂盒进行测序研究。结果共找出9 974个突变或SNP位点,其中2组羊中共享的SNP总共4 254个,季节性长绒型的群体中独有的SNP有2 713个,常年长绒型的群体中独有的SNP有3 007个,为常年长绒辽宁绒山羊主效调控基因的QTL定位提供理论依据。 In this study, whole exons sequencing captured technology was used to construct a cDNA library of cashmere goat, and in order to explore a cashmere goat research exons capture kit for sequencing studies. Finally, 9 974 SNPs were found, which included 4 254 shared SNPs of the two type goat, 2 713 unique SNPs of the seasonal-growth cashmere type and 3 007 SNPs unique SNPs of the laster-growth cashmere type. The study provides a theoretical basis for the QTL of last-growth cashmere gene.
出处 《现代畜牧兽医》 2014年第3期21-24,共4页 Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
基金 辽宁省科学事业公益研究基金(2012005005)
关键词 外显子 辽宁绒山羊 测序 Exons genome Liaoning cashmere goats Sequencing
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