目的探讨顽固性偏头痛患者血流动力学状态及治疗。方法用全自动血流动力学分析仪测定了 32例顽固性偏头痛患者发作间期血流动力学 ,同时应用降纤酶治疗。结果顽固性偏头痛患者血流动力学部分指标明显升高 ,给予降纤酶能有效地减轻症状 ,血流动力学指标明显下降。
Objective To explore the blood rheologic condition of patients with obstinate migraine and to seek for treatment strategies.Methods Full automatic blood rheologic analyzer was applied to determine the blood rheology of patients with obstinate migraine,and the blood rheologic data were analysed contrastively before and after the treatment with defibrase.Results Patients with obstiante migraine had obviously increased indexes of blood rheology and after the treatment with defibrase,symptoms were relieved and their blood rheologic indexes were decreased.Conclusion The measurement of blood rheologic indexes and the treatment with defibrase can help to identify obstinate migraine and have clinical value in prevention of ischemic cerebral apoplexy.
Clinical Medicine of China