[目的]研究以贵州地宝兰种子为外植体进行无菌播种快繁技术体系,筛选出各个阶段较优的培养基,以提高繁育系数,.[方法]以贵州地宝兰种子为外植体,通过无菌播种获得大量根状茎,经过根状茎增殖培养、诱导芽分化、生根壮苗培养等不同培养基试验,分别筛选出贵州地宝兰最适合各阶段成长的培养基。[结果]适宜贵州地宝兰种子萌发的培养基为:1.0g/IJHyponexl+1.0g/LHyponex2+1.0mg/L6-BA+0.2mg/LZT+100.0mg/IJCM+20.0g/1.蔗糖+1.0g/LAC、、适宜原球茎的增殖培养基为:B5+0.5mg/LNAA+100.0g/L马铃薯+30.0g/L蔗糖、适宜诱导根状茎分化培养基为:B5+0.5mg/LNAA+1.0mg/L6-BA+100.0g/L香蕉汁+25.0g/L蔗糖+1.0g/LAC.适宜生根壮苗培养基为:B54-1.0mg/LNAA+0.5mg/L6-BA+100.0g/L香蕉汁+25.0g/L蔗糖+1.5g/L LAC,pH5.4~5.8.[结论]该研究为珍稀濒危贵州地宝兰野生种群恢复种植试验提供了重要的种苗资源,也为今后该快速繁育技术提供了参考数据,
[ Objeetiw] With seeds of C, eodorum eltlophioides as explants, technical system of rapid propagation of aseptie seeding was conduc- ted, the optimal cuhure medium of each stage was selected, in order to improve breeding eoefficient. [ Method ] Through aseptic seedling, a large amount of rhizome was obtained, by rhizome proliferation, shoot differentiation, rooting strong plantlet euhure, the optimal cultural medi- um for growth of (,. etdophioides in each stage was obtained. [ Result] The optimal cuhural medium for seed germination of G. eulophioides is 1.0 g/L Hyponexl + 1.0 g/l, Hyponex2 + 1.0 mg/L 6-BA + 0.2 mg/L ZT + 100.0 mg/L CM + 20.0 g/L sucrose + 1.0 g/l, AC. The optimal cuhural medium for prutueorm proliferatiun is 1:15 + 0. 5 mg/L NAA + 100.0 g/L potato + 30.0 g/L sucrose. The optimal cuhural medium for induction of rhizome differentiation is B5 +0.5 mg/L NAA + 1. 0 mg/L 6-BA + 100.0 g/L banana juice + 25.0 g/L suerose + 1.0 g/I, AC. The optimal euhural medium for rooting strong plantlet is B5 + 1.0 mg/L NAA +0.5 mg/L 6-BA + 100.0 g/L banana juiee + 25.0 g/Lsu- corse + 1.5 g/l, AC, pH 5.4 - 5.8. [ Conclusion ] The study could not only provide seedling for regression of' the endangered G. eulophioides, but also provide referenee data for rapid propagation of technology in future.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences