本实验发现Cu(Ⅰ )与H2 O2 反应生成羟自由基的产率比Fenton试剂的高 1 0倍以上。采用苯基荧光酮(Phenylfluorone,简称苯芴酮 ) -Cu(Ⅰ )—H2 O2 荧光法测定羟自由基的新体系 ,实验选择激发波长和发射波长分别为 50 0nm和 4 2 0nm ,测定苯基荧光酮在反应前后的荧光变化 ,即可间接测定羟自由基的产生量。此法不需要昂贵的仪器设备 ,方法灵敏 ,且操作简便易行。清除率实验及顺磁共振波谱法检测证明了该方法的准确可靠 ,对于医用筛选抗羟自由基及抗羟自由基机理研究等方面具有应用价值。
It was found that yield of Hydroxyl radicals produced in Cu(Ⅰ)-H 2O 2 system was 100 times more than that produced in Fenton reaction. A fluorimetry method for the determination of hydroxyl radicals was developed based on Phenylfluorone-Cu(Ⅰ)-H 2O 2 system. The excitation and emission wavelength were chosen at 500 nm and 420 nm. With measurement of fluorescence intensity, the content of hydroxyl radicals in the solution was successfully determined. The results of clearing experiment and ESR showed that the method was effective and reliable. This sensitive method can be appiled to sieve the hydroxyl radical scavenger.
Jiangxi Science
国家自然科学基金资助项目! ( 2 97730 1 2 )